
CDR:Clock & Data Recovery Module
所屬分類: Optical Products
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  The main application of Clock & Data Recovery Kit is used for in–line transmit Eye diagram measurement; most of sampling scopes such as Keysight’s Sampling Scope provides Optical Eye pattern measurement capacity, but it needs embedded clock trigger to synchronize the measurement results.

  Theda’s CDR module is the solution to collaborate with the sampling scope that helps to recover the clock corresponding to the data stream. With the internal coupler, it can generate the clock signal in Electrical path and split the same optical signal into the sampling scope simultaneously. The Loop bandwidth is to fit ITU standards adopted for the jitter test requirement.

TD1225A: 1.25G/ 2.5Gbps Datasheet --  Downloads Datasheet (PDF)
TD1032A: 10Gbps Datasheet -- Downloads Datasheet (PDF)



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